Tell us a little about yourself: Since when did you want to become a Chef?
I started working in kitchens when I was 13. By the time I was 17 I was the executive chef in a country club. I have done other things, but, cooking is in my blood.
Where did you study?
I graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park New York.
Where have you worked?
I have spent 9 years running wineries in New York and Indiana, 7 years working in private clubs and I even spent a couple of years running a 4 star country inn in New York.
Who are the Chefs you most admire?
I think the way Alice Waters has encouraged us to look at what grows near us and find use the best good, clean and fair food is life changing. I also like Thomas Keller and how he has developed the idea of producing the best food in the best ways possible. And Andria Ferran for teaching chef to constantly look a food in different ways
Tell us a little bit about your relationship with diabetes:
I have many family members that are insulin dependant diabetics. In fact, I grew up with an uncle that lived with us who was diabetic. In addition, my girlfriends family is also diabtic. It has just always been part of my life. From a very young age I was able to tell you how much sugar was in something. And, to be able to notice when someone had low blood sugar.
I was diagnosed as "pre-diabetic" as well a couple of years ago. It was pretty dramatic the how much better I feel now that I have eliminated most sugars and starches from my diet.
Tell us about your experience as a culinary instructor:
I have been teaching full-time as a culinary intructor since 2004. I had worked in the field for many years, but, when I started teaching, I realized I was learning a lot myself. It is wonderful being able to experiment and play with food in a setting that the students can learn and take back to the restaurants they work. My specialties that I teach are Soups, Stocks and Sauces; as well as, Garde Manger (Hams and Sausages, Salads.)
Other of your activities is the promotion of Central Indiana Food Culture, tell us about it
Indiana is directly in the center of the United States. As settlers came across the United States in the 1800's many built farmsteads here in this fertile land. There is a mixture of Germans, Italians, Polls, Irish and Native Americans. The European decendants have been here for over 5 generations. So, it is a true melting pot. The food is heavy in beef, pork and starches.
Some food that is unique to Indiana include the Sugar Cream Pie and Fried Pork Tenderloin (pork loin sliced, pounded thin, breaded and deep fried. Served on a bun with ketchup and pickle). In the past couple of decades many of our growing has gone to big agri-business growing Corn and Soybeans for commercial use. My campaign is to promote our older traditions of growing good, clean and fair foods. And, make artisinal food that is healty and can be enjoyed with the family.
Now please give us a recepie for diabetics
Grilled Pork Loin with Roasted Red Pepper Butter
Serves 20
5 pounds Pork Loin, cleaned cut into 20 oz slices
1 Cup Kosher Salt
1 Gallon Water
2 Red Peppers, Roasted
8 Oz Butter
Juice of one lemon
1/2 tsp salt
1 clove garlic
2 red peppers, diced very small
2 yellow peppers, Diced very small
1. Combine water and salt to make a brine. Put pork in brine for 1 hour.
2. Combine roasted pepper, butter, lemon juce, salt and garlic in a food processor. Pulse to incorporate and distribute all items.
3. Remove pork from brine. Dry with towel. lightly coat with oil. Grill until an internal temperature of 140 degrees farenhiet is reached, about 2 minutes on each side on a hot grill.
4. Serve two slices of pork, topped with butter and sprinkled with peppers.
100 Días, 100 Chefs, 100 Recetas: Día 80 Thom England
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